Tuesday 17 July 2012


Welcome to my new blog, a place where I am going to vent (frequently) at the world at large about the many many things that wind me up, get my goat, grind my gears etc. etc. and sometimes give an insight to the things that make me happy to anyone who cares to listen.

As a word of warning to anyone with sensitive eyes, THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN FOUL LANGUAGE mainly because I'm Scottish, and we use the word Cunt as a full stop, and also because if something offends me I find the best way to express myself is loudly and with as many expletives as possible.

The ranting could cover any number of subjects, but here a few examples of things that get on my man tits:

Michael Bay and his hard on for large explosions and destroying yet another one of my beloved childhood cartoons (I'll elaborate more on this later, more than once, until I actually see the finished product for myself)

People, as in the world at large, from mouth breathers to that one fucker who walks along any given high street in any given town with the sole purpose of PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF!!!, I mean c'mon, when I go somewhere, I go with purpose, an agenda and if for any reason I find myself needing to stop, I don't do it right in the fucking middle of the pavement due to common courtesy and neither should any fucker else.

Newsreaders, mainly the ones who are too animated, if you feel you have to physically point your finger at the camera, and by proxy me, at 0730 in the morning, you had better be prepared for the possibility of me leaping out from somewhere the next day on your commute to work and snapping the fucker right off at the knuckle before inserting somewhere rather uncomfortable, and no, not the back of a Volkswagen....

Anyhow, I'm off to be irritated, I'll be back and angry soon.

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